Category Archives: Badges

The Leader’s Discipline (TM)

This intensive introduction to coaching for leaders creates a foundation for building cultures of accountability and productivity. Completion of The Leader’s Discipline™ course creates a foundation in Sports Coaching – exploring the coaching relationship and the nature of interference; Leadership Coaching – understanding how to create a culture of performance and productivity within an organization […]

A Coaching Approach to Leadership

This leadership experience explores how to amplify performance, learning and engagement for individuals and teams. A Coaching Approach to Leadership Badge demonstrates the ability to create a “coaching culture” in which a team intentionally practices ways to support and challenge each other. Over the course of the program, participants Practice tools that allow them to […]

Opportunity in Conflict

An intensive introduction to the practice of working with conflict by addressing problems, inviting perspectives and detecting opportunities. The Opportunity in Conflict course is designed for leaders who want to engage difficult conversations and help people find their own constructive solutions to the conflicts in their lives and organizations. Leaders develop New strategies in preparing […]

Engaging Difficult Conversations

Building on the foundations of coaching, this experience provides practical tools and ideas to help leaders navigate though everyday conflict. Leaders who know whom to consult, what to ask, how to listen and where the problems lie add unique value to the teams they lead and thrive. Over the course of the program, participants Explore […]

Tools of Engagement

An intensive introduction to organizational learning from a leadership perspective that allows participants to experiment with different methods to engage systems, from the individual to a large community of people. Leaders and emerging talent learn about practical tools and approaches for Increasing engagement across large work units. Building ability in systems thinking and employee engagement. […]